Sobre nosotros

Conecta es el primer Ecosistema Centroamericano de colaboración conformado por una comunidad de líderes de Organizaciones de Apoyo al Emprendimiento que, siguiendo la metodología de Bridge for Billions, y con el apoyo financiero de BID Lab, implementarán el mayor programa de incubación para emprendedores con proyectos en sectores de alto impacto social en Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica y Panamá.

Our Mission

A short paragraph describing your company’s goals or mission statement. This section is meant to help visitors understand the purpose of your business.

Our Team

Employee Name

A short biography of the employee and why their background should inspire potential customers' confidence.

Employee Name

A short biography of the employee and why their background should inspire potential customers' confidence.

Employee Name

A short biography of the employee and why their background should inspire potential customers' confidence.

Employee Name

A short biography of the employee and why their background should inspire potential customers' confidence.

A Title to Turn the Visitor Into a Buyer